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About us

All our coaches have on the job business experience mixed with therapeutic training in either psychology or counselling. We work internationally between Europe, Asia and Australia.

Lesley Symons

Lesley is the lead coach at Lesley Symons Consulting. Lesley is based in the UK and Australia.

Lesley’s extensive leadership experience in large multinational organisations and small business alike combined with her first-hand knowledge of managing teams and organisations through change and uncertainty towards outstanding achievement, gives her the know-how to connect with and coach, facilitate and train today’s CEO’s, senior executives, line managers, individuals and teams. Her passion is coaching women leaders.

Download Lesley Symons CV

MAC-Association for Coaches, BACP ( Psychotherapist and Coach) MPACFA-The Psychotherapist and Counsellor Federation of Australia.
Facilitator Clean Language and Symbolic Modelling, Master trainer HBDI